Literature & Books

Lambretta Repair Manuals

There are a many books that are in and out of print that help with general maintenance and full repair of Lambretta and Vespa motor scooters. Here are some Lambretta books I have found over the years, with a brief description of the contents. Most are for sale online at Scooter Products web site. I have included links to the purchase pages where applicable.

The Complete Spanner's Workshop Manual for: Lambretta 2nd Edition

So Sticky upped the ante by revising the best Lambretta repair book on the market. It now includes Series I machines and has very helpful sections on newer Lambretta technology such as engine conversions, disk brakes, exhausts, variable timing systems, and so forth. The appendices are very detailed for specific information and specifications and include paint colors, revisions to models, typical engine clearances, and overall carb info. Once again the parts section goes into the very small nuances between parts and now include Series I parts too. A must have book if you work on Lambrettas.

by Martin 'Sticky' Round - Published by Fingers in Pies Productions - 294 pages

The Complete Spanner's Workshop Manual for: Lambretta 1st Edition

OK - This book is by far the best workshop book for Series III Lambrettas..period. It has taken information from many, many sources and gone far and above any other manual I have seen out there. It covers the Li Series III 125, Li 125 Special, Li Series III 150, Li 150 Special, TV 175 Series III, TV 200, SX 150, SX 200, GP 125, GP150 and GP 200. The manual includes detailed disassembly notes and loads of pictures, color electrical diagrams, gear charts, ignition timing, oil seal identification, tuning options, and carb specifications. It also notes slight differences between Series II and Series III parts such as cylinder cowls, fan covers, and airboxes so that you can identify all those spare parts you have lying around. If you buy one Lambretta manual on this page and own a Series III this is the one to have.

by Martin 'Sticky' Round - Published by Fingers in Pies Productions - 232 pages


The Official Lambretta Home Workshop Manual 1959-1978:

This is a great book covering most Series I through III machines and both the J line and Luna line of Lambretta scooters. These include the Li Series I 125, Li Series II 125, Li Series III 125, Li 125 Special, Li Series I 150, Li Series II 150, Li Series III 150, Li 150 Special, TV 175 Series II, TV 175 Series III, TV 200, SX 150, SX 200, GP 125, GP150, GP 200, Cento, J125, Starstream, Vega, and Cometa. The TV 175 Series I is not covered. The manual includes detailed disassembly notes, pictures, fold out diagrams, electrical diagrams, and specifications. It also touches on differences between Italian Lambrettas and the Spanish Li Series and Jet 200 and Indian GP models, providing electrical diagrams for all.

by Edward Scott and Revised by Arthur Francis - Published by Rafferty Newman - 191 pages

This book can be purchased from VE.UK by clicking here

The Unofficial Lambretta Manual Update:

This book takes off where the Lambretta Home Workshop Manual ends, covering many of the same issues in more detail. It also covers the Li Series III 125, Li Series III 150, Li 150 Special, TV 175 Series III, TV 200, SX 150, SX 200, GP 125, GP150, and GP 200. It has detailed information about further Spanish machines such as the Lynx 125 and Lynx 200 as well as the Indian Lamby Polo. It also has basic instructions on how to fit an AF TS1 Kit and 12V electronic conversion kit and various wiring diagrams.

by Mark Haines 1989 - 76 Pages

The Lambretta Serviceman's Book:

This book covers older models such as the 125 LC, 125 LD series III, 150 LD series I, 150 LD Series II, 150 LD Series III, Li 125 Series I, Li 150 Series I, 150 LDA, and the TV 175 Series I. It has a comprehensive section on engine overhauling for older models including how to remove the engine from an LD with the torsion bar type suspension. Brakes, wheels and electrics are especially well covered for all the models listed above.

By D. B. Palmer- Published by Lambretta Concessionaires LTD - 154 pages

The Book of The Lambretta Motor-Scooter

There are wonderful adds in the rear of this book as well as very good coverage of the earliest Lambretta models 125 B, 125 C, 125 D Series I, 125 D Series II, 150 D Series I, 125 D Series II, 125 LD series I, 125 LD Series II, 125 LDA, 150 LDA. It also has a very good introduction to the way a two-stroke engine works, and specific information about Lambretta gearbox layouts. Trouble shooting guides, regular maintenance, electrical diagrams, and other information is all well covered.

by R. H. Warring - First Published 1957 - The Pitman Press - 113 pages

The Second Book of The Lambretta

This second Pitman's book covers all Series I through III machines. These include the Li Series I 125, Li Series II 125, Li series III 125, Li Series I 150, Li Series II 150, Li Series III 150, TV 175 Series I, TV 175 Series II, TV 175 Series III, and TV 200. Trouble shooting guides, regular maintenance, electrical diagrams, and other information is all well covered as in the first Pitman's book

by R. H. Warring - First Published 1962 - The Pitman Press - 107 pages

Votre Lambretta (1958 - 6th print) - by Editions Pratique Automobiles

This book is all in French, it includes a 20 pages history of the model A,B,C and LC. The rest of the book is divided into:36 pages for the 1953-54 LD, 7 pages on the LD 1955, 10 pages on the LD 1956, 7 pages on the 1958-59 LD including views of the ABG magneto (French model only), 5 pages on the F300, 5 pages of helpful info on modifications along the years (French model only), 3 pages of tips and care, a list of French vendors, and a couple adverts. It is full of diagrams and exploded views.

Also, two great double page centerfolds: The first one is an exploded view of the entire scooter on one side and on the other side an exploded view of the engine. The second is a greasing and oiling chart, one side for the LD's and one side F300's

A must for those who own a French model

Published 1958 - Imprimerie FourniƩ et Cie - 110 pages


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